Category Archives: The Guest Room

No Complaining, Just Celebrating the Cape and Aunt Alison

I’m not a man prone to big shows of emotion (excepting, of course, rage) or speaking about things with dramatic flourishes. I don’t tend to run very hot or very cold and therefore lack the emotional reserves to pull that sort of thing off. So please, bear that in mind as you read this. When I go heartfelt, it can… Read more »

CotW: In Which Tim Worries About an Inconsequential Candy Bar or Two

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We’re gonna slow it down and go a little old school this week. This is the sort of thing Complaint of the Week was when it started. I’d take a piece of current culture, way overvalue it, and weep for the end of civilization. Today you might know it as the Glenn Beck approach. HOOO-AH!!! Ahem…anyway. Stop me if you’ve… Read more »

Lieberman might endorse Lamont

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Again, you can’t make it up: Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman is keeping his options open as he considers possible endorsements for the fall elections — including backing one-time rival Ned Lamont. …Lamont beat Lieberman in a bitter Democratic primary in 2006, but then lost to Lieberman in the general election after Lieberman ran as an independent. Lamont is now considering… Read more »

CotW: Swordfish – Brilliant Predictor of the Future or Merely Awesome?

So when I made the decision to do this, I decided I would sometimes take a break from the news of the day and instead do some pop culture related stuff. Because I love pop culture and, let’s be honest, Brendan only has a passing familiarity with it. Plus, I have a minor in Film and it’s not doing any… Read more »

Jewish prayer prompts terror scare

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Can’t make it up: PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Authorities say a misunderstanding about a Jewish prayer ritual led to the diversion of a US Airways flight to Philadelphia. City police Lt. Frank Vanore says a 17-year-old boy on the plane was using tefillin, a set of small black boxes attached to leather straps and containing biblical passages. One box is strapped… Read more »

CotW: The Fine Art of Sending Others to Hell

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Wishing damnation of others is tricky business. After all, what’s the criteria? Is it enough to retire, come back in a different, but fairly similar role, underperform, and then, seemingly, get your old job back from someone who worked really hard to get it? (Topical!) Or perhaps you must play in a gigantic stadium in America’s South/Southwest for an organization… Read more »