Category Archives: The Guest Room

Sometimes the Left is Right and is also Wrong

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I’m talking, of course, about the Whole Foods Boycott. Okay, that wasn’t obvious from the headline, but it is a wonderful example of things that make you go: well you aren’t wrong, per se. but you also aren’t making a lot of sense. I’ve not found a big organized site for the boycott. Though some background here. And of course… Read more »

Arizona “minister” prays for Obama’s death

Steven Anderson, the minister at the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ is a disgusting and despicable human being and an utter and complete failure as a Christian. Anderson recently delievered a sermon titled “Why I Hate Barack Obama”, saying he prayed for the Presidents death. I may not be an expert theologian but it doesn’t take much to… Read more »

Today’s Seriously? Column

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I hardly think it takes explaining, but well it would seem the Police in the UK are missing something here. They can respond within minutes when someone threatens to do something about illegally parked cars (just threatens, doesn’t actually do anything) but cannot be bothered to do anything about his complaints for months? And lest we need to be clear… Read more »

Heeeeee’s baaaaack

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King of the football flip-floppers, former Green Bay star quarterback Brett Favre, who spent last year with the New York Jets after deciding he didn’t REALLY want to retire, is reportedly going to sign this afternoon with the Packers’ arch-rival, the Minnesota Vikings, coming out of his supposed retirement…again. Should make for some interesting games in the NFC North this… Read more »

Healthcare Stuff

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An interesting tweet just now by Stephen Fry (If you don’t know who Stephen Fry is, I feel sorry for you) Know this, Republicans.Even the most right wing British politician wouldn’t think of dismantling our health service. I think this is an interesting point. Why? Because it means the Democrats are going about this entire healthcare thing all wrong. There… Read more »

More of that transportation stuff

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I know I know, I babble on about this a lot… Still, I thought this article was really quite interesting. Specifically this point: During the same period, the Dutch have reduced their fatalities from 3200 to 800. If we calculate out the rate per 1000 people, the Dutch fatality rate is 40% of the American rate. This is remarkable, particularly… Read more »

RNC forwarding their number to DNC

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Honestly, I’m not sure I get the point of doing this But it really makes me tempted to call the RNC number and ask to speak with Howard Dean.

Sarah Palin, illiterate idiot or outright liar

Well, she’s no longer governor but she is doing her best to stay in the spotlight. Sarah Palin is attacking the Obama health-care plan by using her son Trig. This from the same woman who has attacked others for mentioning or attacking her children (which was reasonable for her to do). So she’s a hypocrite, not surprising, but what is… Read more »