Category Archives: FriendFeed & Twitter

FriendFeed: Bright side of …

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FriendFeed: Bright side of NCAA format change: I can throw out the 5-7-10-15-20-25 scoring system I’ve been using in my LRT pools for the last 15 years. I’ve kept it around for legacy / historical comparison purposes, even though I’ve grown to hate it. But now it’s gotta change anyway, so I can rethink the scoring system from scratch.

FriendFeed: Hypothetically, if LeBron …

FriendFeed: Hypothetically, if LeBron (and ESPN?) wanted to maximize the impact of tomorrow’s TV special, they’d make sure word leaks out that he’s going somewhere else — like, say, Miami — and then “surprise” everyone with the news that — OMG! — he’s staying in Cleveland instead. Just sayin’.