Category Archives: FriendFeed & Twitter

FriendFeed: AT&T sales rep …

FriendFeed: AT&T sales rep just called, says I should be getting a confirmation email soon (today) that my #iPhone 4s have shipped. So I checked, and — yep — my card shows pending charges for both phones. Sales rep says it looks like my phones will arrive at the AT&T Store in time for launch day Thursday. YAY!

FriendFeed: Heh: “A reader …

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FriendFeed: Heh: “A reader suggests the Pac-10 should rename itself the 12-Pac and see if it can forge a marketing partnership with Coors, which should be easy now that Colorado is joining the conference.
There could be two six-Pac divisions, the Coors and Coors Lite. Naturally, Utah would be in Coors Lite.”