FriendFeed: Galarraga brings lineup …
FriendFeed: Galarraga brings lineup to tearful Joyce
FriendFeed: Galarraga brings lineup to tearful Joyce
FriendFeed: Galarraga Given Standing Ovation, and a Car
FriendFeed: “Top Kill” Is Failing, Source Tells NY Times
FriendFeed: Mickey Kaus versus The Box
FriendFeed: The Big Picture: Gulf oil spill photos
FriendFeed: BP: Spill continues amid “top kill” setback, but “we’re still quite optimistic”
FriendFeed: Supporting my Blumenthal-is-fine hypothesis, Quinnipiac Poll shows him +25 on McMahon (down from +33)
FriendFeed: “Top kill” halts flow of oil and gas, admiral says
FriendFeed: City of Denver website pwn3d by haxx0rs, again
FriendFeed: During the last period of economic peril and #panic, I worried that a true swine-flu pandemic — the sort that causes quarantines, shuts down trade, grinds commerce to a halt and whatnot — could be the straw that broke the global economy’s back. Could a Katla eruption, if it happens, be a similar tipping point now?