Category Archives: FriendFeed & Twitter

FriendFeed: Alan Sullivan translates …

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FriendFeed: Alan Sullivan translates Greece’s “national tantrum”: “We spent more than we earned. Now we’re broke and spending even more than before. But those greedy Germans [i.e., the ones who are bailing us out!] demand ‘austerity measures.’ Let’s shut down our country! That’ll teach them…”

FriendFeed: I just realized, …

FriendFeed: I just realized, Arizona’s new law means even more illegal immigrants will drive *exactly* the speed limit down local AZ roads, to lower their risk of contact with the police. This was already an observable phenomenon; now it’s going to become an epidemic. Do the voters realize what they’ve done to their traffic patterns? OH THE HUMANITY!

FriendFeed: WSJ: NYC Bomb …

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FriendFeed: WSJ: NYC Bomb Attempt Is Part of Shift to Small-Scale Attacks – Scary if true. I’ve long thought the terrorists’ obsession with “spectacular” attacks is strategically foolish from their perspective, and helpful from ours. Smaller attacks are easier to pull off more frequently, harder to stop, and sow more widespread fear.