Twitter: I really don’t …
Twitter: I really don’t understand how a traffic jam can last for weeks, with cars moving less than a mile a day. #doesnotcompute
Twitter: I really don’t understand how a traffic jam can last for weeks, with cars moving less than a mile a day. #doesnotcompute
Twitter: The National Review apparently thinks the entire $13 trillion national debt was incurred on Obama’s watch:
Twitter: Notre Dame convinces NBC to shorten commercial breaks during games: Brian Kelly is already a success!! #10yearextension
Twitter: RT @ebertchicago: For the first time, astronomers find a solar system that may be similar to ours!
Twitter: Hmm. @nytimes map calls N. Carolina “Solid Republican”; @fivethirtyeight says 79% chance GOP wins. Arkansas “Leaning Republican,” but 100%.
Twitter: “So far, the Democrats’ strategy of Bush-bashing does not seem to be resonating” even vs. “establishment” GOP nominees:
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: GOP up to 20% chance of Senate takeover. Bad news for Dems in trad. swing states like OH, PA, MO.
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: Our new site at @nytimes is live, folks. Looks awesome!
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: 15 years ago today Microsoft Windows 95 was released. I’m still waiting for it to boot up. (h/t @shannonpoe @LaurieBailey)
Twitter: Argh. @FriendFeed is AGAIN failing to auto-import tweets, or even manually import newfangled RTs. I need a new tweet-to-blog import system.