Twitter: Man watches his …
Twitter: Man watches his home being burglarized via his iPhone:
Twitter: Man watches his home being burglarized via his iPhone:
Twitter: Jeff Masters: Unclear if T.D. 7 (proto-Earl) will be a “fish” storm, like Danielle, or threaten East Coast next week:
Twitter: Drudge is in full-on #PANIC!!! mode this morning. My avatar – – has rarely been so apropos.
Twitter: WOW. RT @mikememoli: In CO Gov, Ipsos shows Hickenlooper 41, Maes 33, Tancredo 16. Without Tancredo, it’s 45-45 tie
Twitter: Major Garrett leaving Fox: That sux. He’s a good journalist. Cable news, especially Fox, has too few of those already.
Twitter: I’ve noticed my eyes having that strained/sore feeling a few times lately. Possibly iPhone-related? Retina Display hurting my retinas?
Twitter: RT @HuffPostPol: DNC congratulates ‘the shell of a politician that was once John McCain.’
Twitter: RT @Taniel: With all but 31 precincts counted in VT: 31 votes separate the top two Dems in the Gov primary – and 800 votes separate the top 3!
Twitter: RT @techdelight: Twitter’s not stupid; you just have boring friends #technology
Twitter: RT @bethreinhard: Talk about an enthusiasm gap: 354,683 votes cast for Marco Rubio over all the Democratic candidates combined.