Twitter: RT @MelissaTweets: Oh …
Twitter: RT @MelissaTweets: Oh my! John McCain sounds like a conservative! Over/under on how long this new religion lasts?
Twitter: RT @MelissaTweets: Oh my! John McCain sounds like a conservative! Over/under on how long this new religion lasts?
Twitter: RT @McCainBlogette: So happy for my dad!! Always so proud of him!! Awesome night for him!
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Senator John McCain will beat back primary challenge to win GOP Senate race in Arizona, CNN projects.
Twitter: RT @zachbloxham: I have REALLY put politics on the back burner during #BYU Indy saga. We are in a recession? I thought we “stimulized” ourselves out of it?
Twitter: RT @glennbeck: Hindenburg omen hit again on Friday and missed by one last Thursday. Creator of H.O. Getting out of stock market now.Remain Alert.
Twitter: So, you must despise Sarah Palin, then? RT @lheal: Identity politics is evil, and those who employ it are my enemies.
Twitter: RT @WestWingReport: We interrupt this vacation to predict that despite the anti-incumbency mood in the U.S., 90% of House incumbents will be reelected in Nov.
Twitter: RT @jumpthesnark: BREAKING: McCain suspends his primary campaign, challenges Hayworth to fly to D.C. to discuss making tomato soup “the nation’s soup.”
Twitter: RT @jimgoad: Recent DNA tests suggest Hitler may have been Jewish, which gives us another reason to blame the Jews for everything.
Twitter: RT @NathanWurtzel: NBC just called Florida for Al Gore