Twitter: #PANIC! RT @terranovajoe: …
Twitter: #PANIC! RT @terranovajoe: the capital markets are about to encounter the strongest headwinds for 2010: the bearish seasonality of september
Twitter: #PANIC! RT @terranovajoe: the capital markets are about to encounter the strongest headwinds for 2010: the bearish seasonality of september
Twitter: We need a new immigration controversy, simultaneous with mosque-gate and BYU’s move, so I can say “Mexicans and Muslims and Mormons, oh my!”
Twitter: Has BYU announced what it’s doing yet? #hurryup
Twitter: RT @BreakingNews: Hurricane Danielle forms in Atlantic, set to be major storm by Wednesday – National Hurricane Center
Twitter: Sat & Sun @warriordash times:, Congrats to winners Clint Wells (20:48), Sara Whatmore (24:47)!
Twitter: Final @warriordash standings: I was 1956th out of 2815 Sunday, 5387th out of 8061 overall. @MileHighBecky 1958th, 5392nd. 45:42.55, 45:43.50
Twitter: RT @wunderground: Hurricane Danielle is now a Cat 1 storm with winds of 75 mph, gusting 90 mph, min. pressure of 987mb
Twitter: Over last 30 years, “An army of fake ‘leaders’ sprang up to pull the moral and fiscal wool over” credulous voters’ eyes:
Twitter: Grandpa to Loyette, as her tricycle neared Loyacita: “Careful, there’s an obstacle!” Loyette: “That’s not a popsicle, that’s [Loyacita]!”
Twitter: Just bought tickets to BYU @ Air Force on Saturday, Sept. 11. Wonder if it’ll be opening game of BYU’s MWC farewell tour, or not.