Twitter: RT @dmataconis: While …
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: While we’ve been arguing over the Burlington Coat Factory Mosque, Pakistan is dealing with floods
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: While we’ve been arguing over the Burlington Coat Factory Mosque, Pakistan is dealing with floods
Twitter: LOL! Brutal! RT @The_Nit: Our 4 yr old’s line of the day. To mother: “When Dad dies can we get a puppy or kitten?” #notadogguy #catallergies
Twitter: Blagojevich compares himself to Winston Churchill. In other news, I sometimes remind myself of a cross between Abe Lincoln and Gandhi.
Twitter: I, for one, welcome our new Book of Mormon-reading, Bevo-riding, Cougar Longhorn overlords. #byu #texas #unholyalliance #wtf
Twitter: I’m the map, I’m the map, I’m the map, I’m the map, I’m the maaaaap!!! RT @jaketapper: SWIPER NO SWIPING #OneMonthStraightWiththeKids
Twitter: RT @LivingSocial: 16 stunning images of Earth seen from space and other planets // Said it before, but yea… space rocks.
Twitter: RT @BigWestMD: RT @sportsgirlkat: The Mountain West Conference Facebook Feed. Probably the best thing I’ve read today.
Twitter: RT @theupsetblog: Texas hates the conf title game (hence hustling Neb out). But that would be 11 teams only +BYU. An out-there concept 4 sure…but maybe.
Twitter: RT @theupsetblog: Texas has every1 in big12 by the balls. BYU could partner w/Texas on a tv network in exchange for big12 invite. Not extremely far-fetched.
Twitter: RT @theupsetblog: BYU has the equip & facilities but no athletics/for profit network. Texas has created the network but has no equip/facilities…cont…