Twitter: Everything Is Seemingly …
Twitter: Everything Is Seemingly Spinning Out Of Control! #unemployment #salmonella #mosque #oilplumes #iran #israel #wac #mwc #moonshrinking #PANIC
Twitter: Everything Is Seemingly Spinning Out Of Control! #unemployment #salmonella #mosque #oilplumes #iran #israel #wac #mwc #moonshrinking #PANIC
Twitter: Aug. 28 – Beck/Palin rally, Sharpton counterprotest: Is anyone having a “YOU’RE ALL IDIOTS” counter-counter-protest?
Twitter: #LRT readers, join me in congratulating AMLTrojan, who just had a baby!!! Not sure what I’m allowed to say non-psuedonymously, but… YAY!!!
Twitter: [more partisan version of last tweet] … If “obstruction of Congress” is a crime, the entire GOP should be shackled in irons. #filibuster
Twitter: Is the charge against Clemens really “obstruction of Congress”? Because if so, I know 435 representatives & 100 senators who should be arrested.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Arizona fugitives John McCluskey and Casslyn Welch have been caught and are in the custody of U.S. marshals.
Twitter: RT @GazetteAirForce: BYU is making big mistake if it departs the MWC
Twitter: RT @BreakingNews: Israelis, Palestinians expected to attend direct peace talks in Washington with Pres. Obama Sept. 2 – Reuters
Twitter: RT @HotlineReid Wow, Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) [South Bend] touts vote AGAINST “Nancy Pelosi’s energy tax” in new ad
Twitter: RT @slmandel: Utah State learns the hard way what loyalty will do for you in college football. Whoops.