Twitter: RT @markos: Why …
Twitter: RT @markos: Why I am against the Burlington Coat Factory Mosque | Peaceful strippers, pls refudiate. (via @dmataconis)
Twitter: RT @markos: Why I am against the Burlington Coat Factory Mosque | Peaceful strippers, pls refudiate. (via @dmataconis)
Twitter: RT @JoeNBC: Ground Zero Mosque On The Move?
Twitter: RT @funnyordie: Blagojevich found guilty on 1 charge of making a false statement, 1 bad haircut & 23 felony counts of nobody cares.
Twitter: WTF?!? RT @JeremySBN: Heavy rumor: BYU to WAC in all sports but football goes independent
Twitter: RT @warbiany: Democracy Is A Referendum On The Economy — This Is A Defense Of Democracy?:
Twitter: Analysis: Sunset Huge Setback for Daylight RT @CBSNews: Analysis: Blago Verdict Huge Setback for Gov’t
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Do we punish anyone in this country anymore, or do we just make them famous?
Twitter: RT @ExJon: Blago will be in LA tomorrow shopping new reality show – “I’m a Felon, Get Me Out of Here!”
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: I just want to know when Blago’s hair is going to be reunited with Donald Trump’s hair #SoulMates
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: I don’t think people fully comprehend how scary the generic ballot numbers are for Democrats.