Twitter: Glenn Beck On …
Twitter: Glenn Beck On Long-Term Unemployed: ‘Ashamed To Call Them Americans’ | I’m ashamed to call Glenn Beck an American.
Twitter: Glenn Beck On Long-Term Unemployed: ‘Ashamed To Call Them Americans’ | I’m ashamed to call Glenn Beck an American.
Twitter: RT @julia_prior: CNN fail, typo caught on screen. I think a copy writer somewhere just got fired.
Twitter: .@wesrucker In fairness, SEC girls in late-summer outfits ARE a sight to behold, a big distraction, and a national treasure. cc @jayljohnson
Twitter: RT @wesrucker: Dooley said this morning’s “sloppy” practice might be partially blamed on the girls returning to UT’s campus for the fall semester.
Twitter: RT @politicalmath: @brendanloy The Drudge “3 Days” headline was downgraded from red to black. I assume this means everything is OK.
Twitter: Drudge, earlier this morning: “ISRAEL HAS ‘8 DAYS’ TO HIT IRAN NUKE SITE.” Now: “3 DAYS.” Soon: “5 MINUTES OR WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!” #PANIC
Twitter: RT @KevinCTofel: Got $699 & can take a month off? JetBlue will fly you anywhere they travel as often as you want for 30 days. Wow.
Twitter: RT @Drudge_Report: Did Lou Gehrig Not Have Lou Gehrig Disease?
Twitter: RT @politicalmath: Wrote my councilman about a local issue, got a reply that he’ll make my e-mail “part of the record”. Well whoop-de-do.
Twitter: RT @MattZemek_CFN: Bobby Petrino truly is an amazing coach capable of remarkable feats: He makes Nick Saban appear pleasant, reasonable and sane by comparison.