Twitter: Drudge is linking …
Twitter: Drudge is linking to InfoWars now? Really?!? #unhinged #wingnut
Twitter: Drudge is linking to InfoWars now? Really?!? #unhinged #wingnut
Twitter: RT @jesusdiaz: Anyone wants to see a 60-foot-tall blowjob? They are filming an IMAX 3D porn movie: Yes, #IMAX!
Twitter: Just completed a 3.01 mi run – #OMG. #RunKeeper
Twitter: RT @LisaHorne: That was for the Giants’ D RT @LATimesfarmer Alarm going off at Jets stadium. Fire emergency, asking us to evacuate. Bizarre.
Twitter: Haboob!
Twitter: BRASS BONANZA FOREVER #karmanossux RT @SportsCenter: A large pod of #Whalers and their fans sighted in Hartford.
Twitter: Left or Right, whatever our disagreements on any given issue, I think we can all agree that Harry Reid is a giant douchebag. Am I right?
Twitter: To be clear: Mosque-gate (and the response thereto) does raise some important issues. Still, if it wasn’t August, would it be a nat’l story?
Twitter: And yes, I realize that I myself am also feeding the beast, but I’m just a humble #PANIC-prone blogger/tweeter, not the POTUS.
Twitter: Isn’t the “Ground Zero Mosque” [sic] kerfuffle basically a classic August news-vacuum tempest in a teapot? So why did Obama feed the beast?