Holy crap. Running at 10000 ft…
Holy crap. Running at 10000 ft makes me feel like an asthmatic cigar smoker with emphysema. #runner
Holy crap. Running at 10000 ft makes me feel like an asthmatic cigar smoker with emphysema. #runner
Just completed a 2.17 mi run with @runkeeper. Check it out! http://rnkpr.com/a8nv6j #RunKeeper
Twitter: In “sharply worded dissent,” Fed official says Fed is risking a new boom-and-bust cycle – http://nyti.ms/98Pk7o. #PANIC
Twitter: Maes is unelectable and possibly nuts. But he DID “earn the nomination.” He *won*.
Twitter: Report: @danmaes won’t drop out b/c “he truly believes he has earned the nomination.” http://bit.ly/aTpTOE Um, that’s a fact, not a “belief”
#1 sleeping happily in pack and play. #2 screaming like banshee. Sigh.
Twitter: Oysters with herpes?? #PANIC RT @DiscoverMag: Oysters are getting herpes thanks to global warming. And many are dying. http://ow.ly/2pmi1
Twitter: BEAT the Rainbows!!! #usctmbtwittercheer #20daysleft RT @USCTMB: To all those who will ask, yes, we know they’re the Warriors now…
Twitter: In a trend dating back to law school, the bulk of my note-taking at lectures generally involves writing down funny quotes. #CDLA
Twitter: “California’s whole system is so screwed up that nobody can figure out what the hell it is.” #TrueStatementRegardlessOfContext #CDLA