Twitter: Wait, Steve Jobs …
Twitter: Wait, Steve Jobs has a 98% approval rating among Apple employees? That’s, like, Mitt-Romney-in-the-Utah-primary creepy.
Twitter: Wait, Steve Jobs has a 98% approval rating among Apple employees? That’s, like, Mitt-Romney-in-the-Utah-primary creepy.
Twitter: “Most dangerous Trojan virus ever created”: I blame Reggie Bush. #PANIC
Twitter: RT @faxpaladin: @brendanloy Another reason to #PANIC: “Is this finally the economic collapse”?
Thinks the Tea Party may be the best thing that has happened to Colorado dems in a long time. Maybe obama knows exactly what he’s doing.
Twitter: I expect #PANIC RT @MelissaTweets: Expect more of the unexpected: RT @nytimes: NYT ALERT: Markets Fall 2% on Concerns About Slowing Recovery
Twitter: RT @HuffPostPol: Primary Day Enthusiasm Gap: Bennet Got Fewer Votes Than GOP Loser
Twitter: Conservative demagoguery re: “bailouts” FTW! #ugh #deathpanelnation RT @daveweigel: 47% say Obama passed TARP:
Twitter: RT @macTweeter: OK Cupid: iPhone Users Have Twice As Much Sex As Android Users #apple
Twitter: A 3-ring circus! RT @coloradodaily: So it’s Maes vs. Hickenlooper vs. Tancredo for Colorado governor…
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Been hearing this RT @TheAtlantic: Israel is Getting Ready To Bomb Iran – our September 2010 cover story: