Twitter: Hey! I’m live …
Twitter: Hey! I’m live on Ustream from my iPhone –
Twitter: Hey! I’m live on Ustream from my iPhone –
Twitter: 15 minutes till @danmaes victory speech, per campaign official.
Twitter: I’m live on TwitCasting from my iPhone. Dan Maes to declare victory. Election live coverage at
Twitter: Stay tuned to for live coverage of @danmaes victory speech at LoDo’s Bar and Grill, coming very soon!
Twitter: Here is Maes being interviewed a few minutes after 11pm: News crews now getting set up for victory speech.
Twitter: 3,800-vote edge confirmed. Media guy overheard saying he expects a victory speech in next 10-15 mins.
Twitter: 3,800 vote margin, 90% reporting, says random guy at LoDo’s. #itsover I am positioning myself near the podium.
Twitter: Just chatted with @denverpost’s @chrisosher, who is also live-tweeting from LoDo’s. He said he’s new to Twitter. I told him he’s doing well!
Twitter: In my interview with @danmaes, he suggested the threshold is 1%, the crucial time midnight. “We would like to declare victory tonight.”
Twitter: Just interviewed Maes. See most recent video on Says he will declare if confident of win, even if no concession.