Twitter: RT @michellemalkin: CO …
Twitter: RT @michellemalkin: CO GOP gov primary between shady Maes/rip-off artist McInnis in a dead heat w/76% in –
Twitter: RT @michellemalkin: CO GOP gov primary between shady Maes/rip-off artist McInnis in a dead heat w/76% in –
Twitter: Just overheard somebody in a Maes t-shirt say, “Apparently, you don’t have to be a citizen to be the president.”
Twitter: Maes lead up to 1,500 votes with 77% reporting. A cheer goes up, then thunderous boos as Hickenlooper, then Tancredo appear on screen.
Twitter: There is at least one clear winner in the Maes-McInnis race: LoDo’s Bar and Grill. Several hundred people here, waiting & drinking.
Twitter: RT @SarahPalinUSA: Congratulations Ken Buck, CO GOP Sen winner. Jane Norton endorses him fully, encourages all to do the same. That’s classy
Twitter: Uh, the local NBC affiliate, that is. Shockingly, Brian Williams is not live from LoDo’s Bar and Grill. #maes
Twitter: Big cheer at Maes party just now as NBC showed lead up to 1,300 votes, then did a live shot.
Twitter: While I hang out at the Maes party, my car is parked right near a U.N. plot.
Twitter: A cheer went up at Maes party when Buck appeared on TV, declaring victory. But mostly people are milling about, waiting, chatting & drinking
Twitter: Here’s the podium where Dan Maes will either declare victory or concede defeat, if the race is called tonight.