Twitter: Perot-Weicker ’12! RT …
Twitter: Perot-Weicker ’12! RT @fivethirtyeight: @kdrum: Someone should seriously poll Ross Perot against Barack Obama and Sarah Palin.
Twitter: Perot-Weicker ’12! RT @fivethirtyeight: @kdrum: Someone should seriously poll Ross Perot against Barack Obama and Sarah Palin.
Twitter: Now then… RT @fivethirtyeight: Personally, I think there’s a big opening for 3rd party presidential candidate on the long-term debt issue.
Twitter: RT @DiscoverMag: “The planet is poised, teetering between its 2 most successful civilizations”: ants and humans.
Twitter: New USC president to be “formally installed” on 10/15/2010, Bush Push game’s 5th anniversary. Coincidence? I THINK SO! But I like it anyway.
Twitter: NOW Gonzaga goes to South Bend to play Notre Dame? NOW? SERIOUSLY?!? #harumph
Twitter: RT @ChiTribHamilton: Brian Kelly: “This is all about getting this program nationally in top echelon immediately.” #NotreDame
Twitter: RT @TropicalTrack: Dr. Jeff Masters: Colin takes aim at Bermuda; the Great Russian Heat Wave of 2010:
Twitter: This is, by definition, good news. RT @herloyalsons: Kelly is going to be the absolute opposite in terms of motivational approach to Weis.
Stroller Strides workout done. Now off to a playdate!
Twitter: RT @REUTERSFLASH: White House, reacting to jobless figures, says likely to be more bumps ahead as U.S. economy recovers