Twitter: RT @nytimes: NYT …
Twitter: RT @nytimes: NYT NEWS ALERT: U.S. Economy Shed 131,000 Jobs in July, but Private Payrolls Grew; Jobless Rate Steady at 9.5%
Twitter: RT @nytimes: NYT NEWS ALERT: U.S. Economy Shed 131,000 Jobs in July, but Private Payrolls Grew; Jobless Rate Steady at 9.5%
Twitter: Unemployment “unexpectedly” stays at 9.5%, defying predictions it would rise to 9.6%. #HappyDaysAreHereAgain #notreally cc: @MelissaTweets
Twitter: My #panic-o-meter is confused. Is this good or bad news? RT @dmataconis: July unemployment rate steady at 9.5% but 131,000 jobs LOST in July
Twitter: Now @twitter is suggesting that I follow @lindsaylohan. On what basis, exactly, is it making these suggestions?!? #ismellarat
Twitter: I expect the “unexpected”! 🙂 RT @dmataconis: Ten minutes to unemployment numbers. Predictions?
Twitter: It’d be incredibly helpful for Boise if Nevada wins vs. Cal (9/17) and at BYU (9/25), and gets ranked. Boise plays Nevada on Friday 11/26.
Twitter: Noteworthy “others receiving votes”: UConn 40 (#33), Notre Dame 38 (#34), Washington 26 (#36), Navy 12 (#38), Temple 2 (#47), Nevada 1 (#49)
Twitter: But if OreSt beats TCU and then VaTech beats Boise two days later, all hopes for a mid-major winning BCS title are extinguished in Week 1.
Twitter: As a mid-major homer, TCU-Oregon State poses a dilemma. Boise has best mid-major title shot, and it’s far better for Boise if OreSt wins.
Twitter: If #22 Oregon State beats TCU & Louisville in first 2 games, Beavers will be Top 20 for sure, possibly Top 15 by attrition, by Boise game.