Twitter: Favre denies retirement …
Twitter: Favre denies retirement reports, says he’s undecided but will play if healthy; somehow, Earth continues rotating on axis
Twitter: Favre denies retirement reports, says he’s undecided but will play if healthy; somehow, Earth continues rotating on axis
Twitter: I, for one, welcome our new United Nations Bike-Nazi overlords. #maes #wingnut
Twitter: I think it’s high time we had a national conversation about the insidious, freedom-destroying effects of bike-riding. #maes #wingnut
Twitter: GOP’s Maes: Promotion of bike riding is “converting Denver into a United Nations community,” threatens freedom. #wingnut
Twitter: First CME produces “mild” aurora activity; another en route, “35% chance of major geomagnetic storms” today or tomorrow
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse. Unless You Work in Law Enforcement
Twitter: Just did week 5, day 2 of #c25k with @couch5k! … Two 8-minute runs separated by 5 minutes of walking. Oof.
FriendFeed: Geomagnetic storm in progress, with auroras in Europe, after Coronal Mass Ejection impact (and another CME may be coming)
Twitter: JoePa: ‘Speech Slurred, Intellect Seemed Slowed’
Twitter: New York Legislators Agree on Budget, Four Months Late: #heckuvajob