Twitter: Seconded! RT @politicalmath: …
Twitter: Seconded! RT @politicalmath: Is there a conference for skeptical, snarky, pessimistic libertarians? I’d love to grab a beer w/ @dmataconis
Twitter: Seconded! RT @politicalmath: Is there a conference for skeptical, snarky, pessimistic libertarians? I’d love to grab a beer w/ @dmataconis
Twitter: w00t RT @dmataconis: Yes @BarackObama I officially nominate @brendanloy as Secretary of the Department of #PANIC !!!!!
Twitter: What we have here is a failure of worst-case-scenario imagination. America needs Secretary of #PANIC. Should I send @BarackObama my resume?
Twitter: Economy worse than “worst case” in bank stress tests. Unemployment worse than pre-stimulus “worst case.” Oil spill worse than “worst case.”
Sometimes, playdates are super fun and other times, your kid has an epic meltdown because it’s windy. #myglamourouslife
Twitter: “We have just witnessed a complex global eruption involving almost the entire Earth-facing side of the sun.” #PANIC
Twitter: #SaveNewsweekIdeas Explain that the magazine doesn’t have a liberal bias; readers who think so are just holding it wrong.
Twitter: RT @anthropocon: They’re going to change the name of the conference to The Big Ten…ish. (via @MelissaTweets)
Twitter: HEY!!! Harumph. RT @MileHighBecky: Just purged my expired coupons. #betterthansex
Just purged my expired coupons. #betterthansex