Twitter: Hey, college football …
Twitter: Hey, college football season starts ONE MONTH FROM TODAY! #omg #yay
Twitter: Hey, college football season starts ONE MONTH FROM TODAY! #omg #yay
Twitter: Are there really 45 losses in CFB history more painful than the Bush Push/4th & 9 game was for ND fans? I am skeptical.
Twitter: Computer model track forecasts for T.D. 4, which will likely become Tropical Storm Colin:
Rocked a Stroller Strides workout and now the gals and I are galavanting about the Denver Zoo.
Twitter: If Krugman is right – – about the trajectory of the economy thru 2012, say hello to President Palin. #shudder #PANIC
Twitter: Rich people spend money; ZOMG EVERYBODY #PANIC! RT @dmataconis: Chelsea Clinton Wedding Outrage
Twitter: Heard on NPR: “Burning cars is practically a national sport in France.” #wtf
Twitter: David Stockman, Reagan’s OMB director, rips tax-cut fairy-tale economics of current GOP, brilliantly sums up crisis:
Twitter: Do I even need to say it? #PA…ah, you know. RT @kdrum: Our Upcoming Disaster
Twitter: W00T W00T #hurryupapple RT @nothirst: MoneyWell for iPhone is awaiting approval in the App Store. /cc @lyb18