Twitter: But, but… the …
Twitter: But, but… the SEC is a WAR!!! RT @BrianGrummell: Undefeated teams in conf play since 1990: SEC 11, PacTen 5 – easier to go unbeaten in SEC
Twitter: But, but… the SEC is a WAR!!! RT @BrianGrummell: Undefeated teams in conf play since 1990: SEC 11, PacTen 5 – easier to go unbeaten in SEC
Twitter: Has BP oil spill’s impact been exaggerated? “There’s just no data to suggest this is an environmental disaster.”
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: It’s Like Mathematically Unpossible for Republicans to Win the House, or Something
Twitter: Tebow agrees to 5-year, $11.25 million deal with Broncos, enters GOP governor’s race: (OK, only part of that is true.)
Twitter: RT @ocruscblog: Should USC fans lower their expectations? Kiffin: “I can’t imagine SC fans ever lowering their expectations, and we like it that way.”
Twitter: I blame Reggie Bush! RT @espn: Arizona placed on two years’ probation, must vacate 19 wins from 2007-08 season –
Twitter: I blame Reggie Bush! RT @espn: Arizona placed on two years’ probation, must vacate 19 wins from 2007-08 season –
Twitter: Heh. Indeed. RT @dmataconis: @brendanloy “not something he should be saying” is something that pretty much applies to everything Biden says