Twitter: Accurate, but probably …
Twitter: Accurate, but probably not something he should be saying. RT @MPOTheHill: Biden calls the economy ‘the Bush recession’
Twitter: Accurate, but probably not something he should be saying. RT @MPOTheHill: Biden calls the economy ‘the Bush recession’
Twitter: Warning: This Sport May Be Dangerous. #heh
Twitter: RT @TheFix: Rob Simmons, semi-candidate for CT Senate gets the Hartford Courant endorsement.
Twitter: Al-Qaeda cell killed by Black Death ‘was developing biological weapons’: Reads like rank speculation but still: #PANIC
Twitter: Amen! RT @vtktorg: Looking forward to the fall when there is a college football game on just about every evening. Who needs reality TV then?
Twitter: CBO report (PDF) on “Federal Debt and the Risk of a Fiscal Crisis” #PANIC
Twitter: RT @Reuters: FLASH: U.S. judge blocks part of Arizona law that requires officer to determine immigration status of person detained, arrested
Twitter: “I have no doubt I am being targeted by aliens. They are playing games with me,” says man hit by 6 meteorites since 2007.
Twitter: My adopted @midmajority “Other 25” team this winter, the U. of Denver Pioneers, announces schedule:
Twitter: RT @schadjoe: Stoops on Pac-16: “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I was excited about it. Playing games out West… would have been cool.”