Twitter: Updated @fivethirtyeight Senate …
Twitter: Updated @fivethirtyeight Senate forecast, with improved methodology, gives Dems 53-54 seats, GOP ~15% chance of takeover:
Twitter: Updated @fivethirtyeight Senate forecast, with improved methodology, gives Dems 53-54 seats, GOP ~15% chance of takeover:
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Testing of BP well integrity “detected seep a distance from the well” in the Gulf of Mexico, Ret. Adm. Thad Allen says.
Twitter: If competitive eating included a 1-year-old division, and the food of choice was bananas, I’m pretty sure Loyacita would be a factor.
Twitter: It was hot today. #understatement RT @denverpost: 102-degree reading breaks Denver temperature record:
Twitter: RT @jdubs88: Per a SB cabbie: ND started booze bus to take students home from off-campus bars. SB cops rode it undercover to bust underage kids. Really?
Twitter: RT @ClayTravisBGID: 43 Notre Dame students, including 8 football players, arrested for underage drinking. Other 4,000 underage drinkers on campus quietly exhale
Twitter: RT @College_FB: 11 Notre Dame athletes arrested on drinking charges, including Joe Montana’s son:
Twitter: Photo: Devastation from yesterday morning’s DC earthquake: Heh. #quakepocalypse
Twitter: Krauthammer: “Reagan cut taxes to starve the federal gov’t and prevent massive growth in spending.” O RLY?! #blatantlie
Twitter: RT @denverpost: Denver flirts with triple-digit weather