Twitter: Loyette, observing the …
Twitter: Loyette, observing the infamous Spinning Beach Ball of Death on my Mac: “Daddy, is that a wheel going round and round?”
Twitter: Loyette, observing the infamous Spinning Beach Ball of Death on my Mac: “Daddy, is that a wheel going round and round?”
Twitter: Total solar eclipse over South Pacific Sunday: Exactly 2600 days until U.S. total eclipse in 2017:
Twitter: Another fantastic LeBron column by @WojYahooNBA: Pitch perfect, again. “What a spectacle, what a train wreck.”
Twitter: RT @TheBigLead: LeFraud RT @WhitlockJason Holy Shat RT @darrenrovell1: LeBron entity paid Jim Gray for interview, not ESPN
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: (unscientific) poll: 83% had positive opinion of #LeBron before free agency; now 18% do.
Twitter: RT @EricStangel last night: “I’m keeping my 2 yr old up to watch LeBron James Special…to see the exact moment our society hit rock bottom”
Twitter: RT @SPORTSbyBROOKS: By far, the best thing written about LeBron-ESPN show. Velvet sledgehammer.
Twitter: I blame Kiffin. What? Oh. RT @edsbs: Tennessee Football Players Involved In Bar Fight, One Arrested
Twitter: RT @philipaklein: So did the Heat just replace the Yankees as the most hated team in sports?
Twitter: This just feels so anticompetitive & gross, free agents constructing their own self-selected Dream Team of Greed. Not how sports should be.