Twitter: With 10% of …
Twitter: With 10% of precincts reporting: Barbara Boxer 78.4%, Brian Quintana 16.3%, Mickey Kaus 5.3% – Who is @BrianQuintana?!
Twitter: With 10% of precincts reporting: Barbara Boxer 78.4%, Brian Quintana 16.3%, Mickey Kaus 5.3% – Who is @BrianQuintana?!
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Sen. Blanche Lincoln victorious in Arkansas Democratic Senate primary runoff as Lt. Gov. Bill Halter concedes.
Twitter: What I take away from this chart – – is that I, for one, welcome our new Norwegian overlords.
Twitter: RT @Pac16Conference: #Baylor leadership is apparently concerned that the Pac-10 is full of sex fiends. #beavers #trojans #cougars
Twitter: RT @Pac16Conference: We just want Texas, don’t care who they bring. Texas State? Fine. Abilene Christian? Cool. RT @TDAE @Pac16Conference do you want CU or BU?
Twitter: LOL! Fixed now. RT @johntabin: OMG, @kausmickey — The flyers on your website say to vote for you on June 7. The election is June 8! #facepalm
Twitter: USC has not received word yet from NCAA re: infractions report. 24-48 hour notice is customary.
Twitter: Student Loans and the Second Recession: Soaring student debt is an underexplored, VERY important societal issue IMHO.
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: Poll: Favorable rating of tea party movement tumbles from 41-39 positive to 50-36 negative.
Twitter: RT @SPORTSbyBROOKS: Notre Dame AD: No current talks w/ Big 10. Scene appears set for Big 12 demise, Pac-16.