Twitter: USC repeated as …
Twitter: USC repeated as men’s tennis national champ today, beating Tennessee 4-2, nine days after the women’s water polo team won it all. Fight On!!
Twitter: USC repeated as men’s tennis national champ today, beating Tennessee 4-2, nine days after the women’s water polo team won it all. Fight On!!
Twitter: The first ever 0-13 champ! RT @BCSbites: USC would remain AP national champion if NCAA sanctions vacate wins –
Twitter: Massive @BlueHost outage was caused by telecom outage, not lack of electricity: The cause? Oops:
Twitter: RT @avictorio: Over 6 million websites hosted by @BlueHost; you’d think they have redundant backups. Instead, all offline. | Including mine.
Twitter: Generators, anyone? RT @askwpgirl: Provo, UT experiencing power outage today, bringing down hosting giant @BlueHost –
Twitter: RT @washingtonpost: Wal-Mart cuts iPhone 3GS price in half: Another sign iPhone 4G is coming soon?
Twitter: Alan Sullivan: Two Tremor Sources? “I make no prediction, but Katla may be activating for its own eruption.” #panic
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Assault on suspected drug lord’s compound in Jamaica kills 27, wounds 31, police say.
Twitter: Greece, Portugal and Spain are Too Big To Fail (or too interconnected, anyway): #ThisSuckerCouldGoDown #PANIC
Twitter: RT @TheFix: Simmons suspends campaign but doesn’t officially end it — preserving possibility of a comeback if McMahon slips.