Twitter: CNN Breaking News …
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Super Saver wins 136th Kentucky Derby on muddy track
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Super Saver wins 136th Kentucky Derby on muddy track
Twitter: Reuters: Possible outcomes in British election – Parliamentary nerdgasm!
Twitter: You know you’re the father of a bookworm toddler when… you’re seriously bothered by logical holes in the plots of “Amelia Bedelia” books.
Twitter: The Guardian, long-time Labour stalwart, endorses LibDems: #labourPANIC #GordonBrownSucksatLife
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — President Obama to visit Gulf of Mexico region in next 48 hours to check oil spill response, White House says.
Twitter: National Enquirer claims Obama cheating scandal: But, unlike with Edwards, the sourcing / basis appears pretty thin.
Twitter: Can’t wait to watch Kentucky Derby with Loyette tomorrow. I bet she’ll think that horsies running really fast for 2 minutes is AWESOME.
Twitter: OMG there’s a restaurant in Fort Collins called Avogadro’s Number??? And they have live bluegrass??? I LOVE IT!!! #mole
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Severe storms, including possible tornadoes, kill at least three people in northern Arkansas, state officials say.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News — Florida Gov. Charlie Crist announces decision to quit the GOP’s Senate primary race and run without party affiliation.