FriendFeed: Go Irish! Beat …

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Go Irish! Beat Navy! … Fight on Trojans! Beat the Sun Devils! … Go UConn! Beat Cincy! … Go Buckeyes! Beat JoePa! … Go Northwestern! Beat Iowa! … Go UW! Beat fUCLA! … Go Vandy! Beat Florida! (Ha.) … Go Bama! Beat LSU! Prevent this:! … Go Duke! Beat UNC! Set up a Duke-GaTech showdown for possible BCS shot! (LOL!)

FriendFeed: Virginia Tech’s win …

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Virginia Tech’s win last night is good news for Boise State. If VaTech wins out, wins bowl & finishes 10-3, they’ll be highly ranked preseason next year. Boise plays ’em in D.C. on October 2. If Boise goes 13-0 this year & wins bowl against big-name team, they could parlay it into a legit 2010-11 title run, with Oregon State and VaTech on schedule.

Protestant sheep painted by papists!

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Six pregnant sheep belonging to a Protestant farmer from County Tyrone have been daubed with Irish tricolours in an apparent sectarian attack.

The sheep had been left to graze in an isolated field near Ardboe when their coats were covered in green and orange paint to resemble a tricolour.

According to the farmer, who does not want to be identified, there has been an upsurge in sectarian attacks in recent weeks.

He said the ewes were pregnant and fears that some may lose their unborn lambs as a result of the stress they suffered during the incident.

THINK OF THE CHILDREN, you bloody Catholic bah-stards!!

Tee hee hee.

(Hat tip: my dad.)

P.S. Baaaaa.

P.P.S. Yes, yes, I know this is criminal and incendiary and terrible. But still, from a detached outsider’s perspective… Funniest act of sectarian terrorism ever?

P.P.P.S. I note that the farm in question is “near Ardboe.” Ardboe is in the county Tyrone, near the town of Dungannon. Where many’s a ruction meself had a han’ in…