Incredibly precise pre-game prediction comes true

Mike Blowers knows baseball, after all he played in the Major’s for ten years. Even with that depth of knowledge who could have predicted the events of September 27, 2009.

As part of the days pre-game show, Blowers, a radio and TV comentator for the Mariner’s, was asked for a prediction for the days game as part of a regular feature on the show. Mike’s prophesized that young player Matt Tuiasosopo (brother of former Washington Husky and Oakland Raider quarterback Marques Tuiasosopo) would get his first homerun that day. But he didn’t stop there. As they dialogue between Blowers and co-host Rick Rizzs continued he refined his prediction more and more.

It would be on his second at bat.
It would come on a 3-1 count.
It would be off a fastball.
It would land in the second deck.
It would go to left-center field.

Yeah right.

So we get to the top of the 5th. Tuiasosopo is up for the second time having grounded out on his first at bat. As the count hits 3-1 the announcers are starting to get excited, but hey a 3-1 count isn’t all that odd, right? The next pitch comes, its a fastball allright, and *BAM*, Tui connects sending the ball sailing towards left center field, just as predicted. The announcers are incredulous! The prediction’s only failing it turned out was that the ball fell just a little short of the second deck. Someone needs to check Blowers for a time-machine.