FriendFeed: Andrew Sullivan, sounding …

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Andrew Sullivan, sounding cheerful and optimistic: “governments in bankrupt, divided, late-imperial periods are never very pretty to watch. The final collapse – the dollar going south or hyper-inflation – is when it gets interesting again. Ready for Obama’s second term?”

Server switch in progress

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I am in the progress of switching servers from WestHost — which has served me well over the years, but now, alas, just cannot seem to handle the load caused by my WordPress blogs — to the WordPress-recommended site BlueHost. We’ll see how it goes.

In the mean time, there will undoubtedly be some technical hiccups as the switch happens. You’re already viewing the blog on its new server, but some of the back-end changes are still in progress. Let me know — in comments, or via e-mail: irishtrojan [at] — if you have any problems.

Also note: for a while, you’ll be redirected from to when you access my site. This is temporary; will remain the primary domain going forward. No need to change your bookmarks.

You’ll know the DNS switch is complete when you see this banner atop the page…

…instead of this banner:

(That’s not necessarily a permanent change, but it’s a useful way for me to keep track of the domain/server switch.)

Rays and bolts

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Here’s a photo I took yesterday of crepuscular rays over Denver, shortly before sunrise:


And, later in the day, a pair of video screen-grabs (a split second apart) of a single lightning bolt striking two spots south of downtown:

QuickTime PlayerScreenSnapz010 QuickTime PlayerScreenSnapz011

It has been an exceptionally stormy summer so far in Denver, for which I blame El Niño, global warming, Canada, and Barack Obama. (Actually just one of those. Guess which. Hint: weather, not climate.)