Your daily dose of panic & alarmism…

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…is brought to you by William R. Forstchen, author of One Second After — a novel about an electromagnetic pulse that plunges America into third-world chaos (with a foreward by Newt Gingrich!) — who offers this helpful step-by-step guide to how we’re all completely screwed if (nay, when!) terrorists unleash E.M.P. hell. And you were worried about swine flu?

(Hat tip: InstaPundit.)

P.S. Don’t take the title of this post the wrong way. Sometimes, panic & alarmism are justified! And sometimes not. I offer no editorial comment, at present, on which category this falls into.

Amazon’s latest move is double-plus ungood.

One would think it’s a pretty safe assumption that, once you have bought something, it’s yours to keep, regardless of whether the place you bought it from stops selling it. If you buy e-books from Amazon for your Kindle, you should know that belief is wrong.

When a publisher decided to stop providing digital editions of a pair of books recently, Amazon stopped selling them, which is fine. They also removed the copies that had already been purchased by Kindle owners. They were nice enough at least to refund you the money you paid for the book. Still, it’s an outrageous move and an incredibly poor way to treat their customers.

Of course the delicious irony of the whole situation is the identity of the two books removed: George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm.

Big Brother is watching indeed.