What is your greatest sports year?

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When we last left Brendan and his so called “web-log,” it was November of 2008, and we were in the midst of the college and pro football seasons. I was in the middle of lamenting (well, to my friends, not here) that my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers looked OK, but there was no way they would make a deep playoff run with that offensive line. At that point, I had put Penn State having a better chance of winning the NCAA title (which I had at slim) than the Steelers winning the Super Bowl.

Then they went and won it.

Also, my beloved Pittsburgh Penguins had all sorts of mood swings since losing to the Red Wings about a year ago. Basically, they went from “dude, looking good” to “how bad is it when we can’t make the freakin’ NHL playoffs?” to “STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS!!” The Penguins had more people at their victory parade than the Steelers did – and to outdraw the Steelers in the Steel City is an accomplishment, no matter how much better the weather is.

Anyway, I don’t want to rub my sports victories in anybody’s face (just remind me of the woeful Pirates, and what happened to Penn State on January 1st if I try to do that!). I bring this up to ask a question:

What is the BEST year your sports teams have ever had? My answer is obvious – 2008-9. Its never been better for a Pittsburgh sports fan born after 1979. I remember the thread we had where we lamented our worst sports losses – so how about the opposite? What was your favorite team’s best win? What was the best year your favorite sports teams have ever had?