Header mini-post

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As you can see, I’ve installed the new blog masthead, at least for now. I like it. If you see a bunch of white space above and below it, refresh the page to load the new stylesheet.

What we choose to remember

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In the wake of yesterday’s shocking events, most people seem, unsurprisingly and perhaps even understandably, to be primarily eulogizing Michael Jackson, pop icon and troubled genius, rather than Michael Jackson, accused child molester and all-around weirdo. This reminds me a bit of Richard Nixon’s death, when there was a tendency, at least in the initial days after he died, to emphasize Nixon Goes To China and such, while de-emphasizing Watergate, his paranoia, his racism and anti-Semitism, etc.

It also makes me wonder about O.J. Simpson, who is a reasonably close analogue to Michael Jackson, in terms of being someone who was already incredibly, incredibly famous, and was then accused of very serious crimes. When O.J. dies someday, will he be remembered first and foremost as a great football player (and a terrible actor), rather than as an accused murderer and a convicted armed robber? I sort of doubt it — his criminality has seemed to almost completely overtake his prior public persona, due to the obscenely high-profile nature of his murder trial — but then, I thought Michael Jackson was pretty much known first and foremost these days as a plastic-surgery-obsessed, race-and-gender-confused, child-molesting freak.* Suddenly he dies, and he’s the “King of Pop” again.

*Lest I be attacked by Jackson defenders, and/or accused of speaking ill of the dead, a caveat: this description of Jacko is intended as simply my summation of what I have perceived his public image to be, not necessarily my personal opinion of him. Now, maybe I was wrong about his public image; maybe I watch too much South Park for my own good; maybe I don’t “get it” because the peak of his music-based fame was before my time. But, right or wrong, that has been my perception.

On the other hand, maybe Jacko’s situation is different from O.J.’s, because a) people just aren’t as convinced that, notwithstanding his acquittal, he was really guilty, as they were with O.J. (even before the armed robbery trial, which I think is really a minor blip — Simpson’s reputation was cemented long before that); and/or b) Jacko’s pre-criminality fame was simply more transcendent and massive than O.J.’s ever was.

As an aside, I looked up O.J.’s Wikipedia entry in the course of writing this, and I love its first sentence: “Orenthal James ‘O.J.’ Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed ‘The Juice’, is a retired American football player, actor, spokesman, and convicted felon.” That’s almost poetic, somehow.

Anyway, back to Jacko. Today is one of those days when it’s kind of fun to look at newspaper front pages. Newseum has a Top 10, as well as an archive. Here are a few selected ones:



Jacko also made the front page, above the fold, of the New York Times. (“All the Nose that’s fit to print,” indeed!)

But the most shocking to me, by far, is this:


The Wall Street Journal?? Really?!? … [shakes fist] DAMN YOU, RUPERT MURDOCH!!!

(At this point, I think it would be appropriate to repeat yesterday‘s self-deprecating “conversation” with the voice-in-my-head “editor”: [Yeah, and what’s the top post on your blog right now, buddy boy? -ed. Shut up.] Heh.)

One final note, as a follow-up to my post yesterday about the L.A. Times homepage Continue reading

An update on the “unlawful photographer”

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I neglected to link to this before, but on the very day I launched this blog, Carlos Miller, a photojournalist who blogs at the site Photography is Not a Crime, posted an update on Scott Conover, the East Tennessee man whose arrest for “unlawful photography” was the subject of several posts on my previous blog — 1, 2, 3, 4 — when I was living in Knoxville.

Michael Jackson is dead

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Per TMZ. Also per @BreakingNews, which states: “FLASH — LOS ANGELES — “KING OF POP” MICHAEL JACKSON HAS DIED.” He was 50.

UPDATE: The L.A. Times confirms.

After the jump, I’ve posted a screenshot of the Times‘s homepage right now. Top story: Michael Jackson dies. Second story: Farrah Fawcett dies. Third story: the fiscal crisis that is about to cause the state of California to run out of money.

Relegated to the headline-only sidebar: an important constitutional law decision by the Supreme Court today. (But hey, at least that story beat out Mark Sanford!)

Nowhere to be seen: news about Iran. The uprising there, and the government’s butchery of its citizens, isn’t even more newsworthy than Shaq, apparently. As @grantslater put it:

Sanford, Jackson and Fawcett… It was nice knowing you Iran. Come again some other news cycle. #iranelection #fb

Relatedly, #iranelection has just been surpassed on the “trending Twitter topic” list by Michael Jackson. *sigh*

[Yeah, and what’s the top post on your blog right now, buddy boy? -ed. Shut up.]

Continue reading

FriendFeed: Transformers 2’s official …

Transformers 2’s official Wednesday haul: $60.6M, passing Spider-Man 3’s $59.8 for the second-biggest single day gross ever, behind only The Dark Knight’s $67.1M. And those were both Friday releases, not Wednesdays. I told you this movie would be economic stimulus! What male between the ages of 15 & 65 doesn’t want to see Megan Fox & giant robots?