Steve Jobs had liver transplant, no word on whether it was white plastic or brushed aluminum

Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute in Memphis, Tenn, confirmed  on Monday that Apple CEO Steve Jobs had recieved a liver transplant earlier this year, confirming an unsourced report from the Wall Street Journal that was published this past weekend.

Jobs underwent a procedure in 2004 to combat a rare type of pancreatic cancer. Concerns about his continued health continued to surface over the next few years.  In January of this year he took a leave of absence, but is now reportedly back at work at Apple, at least part time, and reportedly continued to be involved in major strategic decisions.

Baby Pool Redux

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[UPDATE: I’ve bumped this post up, and edited it slightly, to encourage entries. -ed.]

As most of you know, Baby Girl Loy #2, a.k.a. “Loyacita,” is due on July 8. As we did with “Loyette,” we’re running a Baby Pool to predict the little one’s birth date, time, weight and height.

The deadline to enter (or modify your previous entry) is 11:59 PM MDT today (Wednesday, June 24). Please leave your guesses in comments on this post, including:

• The DATE of birth
• The TIME of birth, in Mountain Daylight Time
• The WEIGHT at birth, in pounds and ounces (guesses will be rounded to the ounce)
• The HEIGHT at birth, in inches (guesses will be rounded to the nearest inch or half-inch)

Details on the rules, previous entries, key dates, etc. after the jump.

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