TheSplenda wins LRT Election Contest

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A Democratic concession today in Texas’s 27th congressional district brought the GOP’s net gain in the House to a minimum of 62 seats — and thereby clinched victory for TheSplenda in the Living Room Times 2010 Midterm Election Prediction Contest.

TheSplenda narrowly edges out Kevin Curran (kcatnd) and John Presper (Joe Mama) by a single point, presently 107 to 106 out of a maximum possible 120. This assumes Lisa Murkowski wins in Alaska, as the AP has projected she will. If Joe Miller were to somehow prevail, Curran would win, beating Presper on a tiebreaker. But although Miller has not conceded, victory appears to be mathematically impossible.

Consequently, TheSplenda, who got two Senate seats (Nevada and Washington) wrong but – in a rarity among top contenders – Alaska right, and who presently sits on a perfect House prediction of 62 seats gained for the GOP, cannot lose. The Republicans could potentially gain as many as four more seats in still-undecided races, which would spoil his perfect prediction, but because Curran’s prediction was lower (56), and nobody with a higher prediction is within striking distance, TheSplenda is guaranteed the victory.

Here are the complete standings as of now (PDF), showing what everyone got right and wrong.