CotW: Timely Election Debrief

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Our long state nightmare is finally over. And by nightmare, I mean about 6 days’ worth of post-election confusion about who was going to be our governor: that one white guy from southern Connecticut who promised to slash the budget, tax us fairly, and do it without causing any discomfort, or that one white guy from southern Connecticut who promised to slash the budget, tax us fairly, and do it without causing any discomfort.

See what I did there?

(Please note that the above was just done for comedic affect. There is a difference between most candidates and most parties, no matter what Ralph Nader and/or Ron Paul tells you. To say otherwise is laziness disguised as being “above the fray.” Now allow me to step off my soapbox, if you please.)

But seriously, it is nice to know who our next governor will be. Of course, I was so discombobulated by the whole thing, I waited an extra week to post this, just to make sure no one was going to find another box of ballots and have Foley winning by 20 thousand.

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