Introducing the Pioneer Post

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[NOTE: My season preview blog post will follow later today. This post is just a general, navel-gazing intro to The Pioneer Post and my plans for it, such as they are.]

The first thing to understand about this DU basketball blog project — which I’m officially launching today, right now, with this post — is that, really, I haven’t the faintest idea what I’m doing.

I mean: sure, I’ve been a college hoops fan for two decades — since March 22, 1990, to be exact. And sure, I’ve been blogging since 2002 (getting my 15 minutes of fame in 2005). And sure, I blog about sports all the time (indeed, I basically give over the blog completely to college basketball every March, the most intense of the “Many Seasons of Brendan“). And sure, I’m an “recovering journalist,” as my Twitter profile puts it, with a print journalism degree from USC Annenberg.

But, even so: me, doing bona fine, real reporting on a basketball team? Getting credentialed? Interviewing the coach and players? Writing up the games? This is an entirely new, crazy idea.

It crazy partly because I have a day job as an attorney, but also partly because it’s well outside of even my old journalistic comfort zone. The one and only section I never wrote for during my time at the Daily Trojan was the Sports section. And if you haven’t noticed, in my blog-coverage, I tend to veer toward the nerdy aspects of sports — bubbles, brackets and the BCS, oh my! — as well as historical happenings, unlikely hypothetical scenarios, and so forth. What I tend not to focus on so much is the, y’know, sports part of sports. The athletic particulars. The in-game strategies. The Xs and Os.

Which brings up a valid, reasonable question: What the heck am I doing, starting a basketball blog?

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