Search Results for: sports bubble

New NCAA president: college football playoff is “inevitable”

The NCAA’s new president, the University of Washington’s Mark Emmert, said eighteen months ago that he thinks a college football playoff is… This according to a Seattle Times column by Bud Withers: Here’s a wild guess. When Emmert hangs ’em up as NCAA president — in five years, in a decade — we might remember him as the guy who… Read more »

The Superconference Megatournament, or, the End of College Basketball

I’ve made clear my opinion, in the face of some dissent, that, unless done right (which it won’t be), expansion of the NCAA Tournament to a 96-team field is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, wolf-face crazy idea that would reward mediocrity, squelch tournament magic, and generally destroy the greatest sporting event ever created. But, well, okay, did I… Read more »


      14 Comments on GO BUTLER!!! BEAT DUKE!!!

Live-tweeting below. You can join in by clicking “Make a comment” at the top of the window, or by tweeting something @brendanloy, or by emailing [Live window removed; full transcript after the jump.] Folks, this isn’t just a basketball game. It isn’t just a title game. It isn’t just the first game in my entire life that I’ve had… Read more »

The view from the Butler bandwagon

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[Originally posted around noon Monday; bumped to top. -ed.] I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have any serious emotional investment in Butler. I don’t claim any “ownership” of this team or its tournament run. Like the sidebar at right says, I’m simply on the Butler bandwagon. When I went out to the grocery store after Saturday’s game,… Read more »

Final Four live-tweeting

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My ability to live-tweet during Saturday’s games will, I suspect, be considerably limited, for toddler-related reasons. Nevertheless, I will once again be confining my tweets, and any comments thereon, to the window below. In addition, tweets (including retweets) from Kyle Whelliston, Andy Glockner, Pat Forde and Seth Davis and Mark Schlabach, and Butler student Sarah Black, will also appear automatically… Read more »