RT @BryanDFischer: Kansas State 24. Texas 0. That is all.
Twitter: RT @BryanDFischer: Stanford …
RT @BryanDFischer: Stanford takes the 21-3 lead over Arizona and, if they hang on, will be ranked above Alabama. #ThingsIDidNotExpectInAugust
Twitter: RT @ralphDrussoAP: Stanford …
RT @ralphDrussoAP: Stanford could be a really dangerous team when the playoffs …… oh. nevermind. Seriously though, this team might finish top 5 in nation.
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Alex, …
RT @dmataconis: Alex, I’ll take ‘things British people might tweet’ for $ 1,000 RT @Conserv79: time to make bangers and mash before the boys get home
Twitter: RT @fema: Don’t …
RT @fema: Don’t forget your clocks “fall back” an hour tonight. It’s a good reminder to update your emergency contact list too. www.ready.gov
Twitter: Now, time to …
Now, time to start #PANICKING about the #TooMuchCHAOS Boise-TCU Title Game Scenario. #WinnerWouldGetNoRespect #GoOregonOrAuburnButNotBoth
Twitter: #CHAOS!!! #BOISE!!! #TCU!!! …
#CHAOS!!! #BOISE!!! #TCU!!! #BUS!!! RT @DaveyJacobson: WOOO!!!! YEA TIGERS! #GeauxLSU! #LSUbeatsBAMA!!! #fb
Twitter: Not so fast, …
Not so fast, my friend! Remember 2007. Ya never know. RT @FootballExpert: Game over. LSU hangs on. Alabama is out of the BCS title picture.
Twitter: RT @dmataconis: Congrats …
RT @dmataconis: Congrats to JoePa RT @TeresaKopec: Joe Paterno gets his 400th win as Penn St. knocks off Northwestern, 35-21. Amazing run.
Twitter: RT @brando_minich: @brendanloy …
RT @brando_minich: @brendanloy He’ll blow it. And then win anyway. #TheEnigmaOfLesMiles #IsLesMilesFaust?