RT @DenverChannel: AP formally declares Michael Bennet the winner of the Senate race. Still no word from Buck campaign. #covotes
Twitter: #panic? RT @dmataconis: …
#panic? RT @dmataconis: 439 days until the Iowa Caucuses ! #2012
Twitter: My estimated odds …
My estimated odds the GOP would’ve won if Tea Party candidate hadn’t won primaries: Delaware 99.9%, Nevada 90%, Colorado 75%. #3seatslost
Twitter: Why? RT @mattyglesias: …
Why? RT @mattyglesias: Fed very clearly delayed action until after the election. Bad on them.
FEDERAL DEFICIT PROBLEM SOLVED! RT @Drudge_Report: DeMint: We’ll Ban Earmarks Right Away… http://drudge.tw/dnxjyR
Twitter: Illinois governor’s race …
Twitter: RT @daveweigel: NOT. …
RT @daveweigel: NOT. NEWS. RT @PoliticalTicker: “Alvin Greene says Jim DeMint has ‘failed the country'”
Twitter: Enthusiasm gap. RT …
Enthusiasm gap. RT @Poynter: Fox News averaged 6.96M viewers on Election Night vs. CNN’s 2.42M and MSNBC’s 1.94M. http://journ.us/bGDucE
Twitter: Let me be …
Let me be clear: They kicked our asses. RT @washingtonpost: Obama ruefully calls Republican victories “a shellacking.” http://wapo.st/cDQ0fp
Twitter: Thanks. If only …
Thanks. If only I’d predicted it! Heh. RT @zbloxham: @brendanloy Congrats on the Bennet victory.