Reid: “Thank you for hating me slightly less than my putrid opponent. It is an honor and a privilege to be your grudging choice by default.”
Twitter: Heh. Yup. He …
Heh. Yup. He and “Senator” Biden are doing pity shots right now. RT @HotlineJeremy Know who is pissed right now? Chuck Schumer.
Twitter: CNN Breaking News …
“ANOTHER MAJOR PROJECTION.” Harry Reid wins! OMG, CNN! Really? #TimeWarp
Twitter: Reid’s win in …
Reid’s win in NV means no 50-50 Senate. Is “Senator” Biden secretly disappointed? #SpeakingOfDouches
Twitter: Actually, all that’s …
Actually, all that’s needed for poor Tea Party candidate selection to have cost the GOP the Senate is a Rossi win in WA. Sorry @krizoitz.
Twitter: We’re a Rossi/Bennet …
GIANT DOUCHE BEATS TURD SANDWICH! RT @rodrigobno: Harry Reid (D) wins race for Nevada Senate seat – Fox News
Twitter: RT @BillyHallowell HOLY …
RT @BillyHallowell HOLY CRAPOLI: A Republican just won Barack Obama’s Senate seat. | It’s not Obama’s seat, IT’S THE PEOPLE’S SEAT! 🙂
Twitter: RT @edhenrycnn: President …
RT @edhenrycnn: President Obama called John Boehner to congratulate, according to senior Dem official