RT @Karoli: Russ Feingold is not conceding: http://bit.ly/b8GJhh
Twitter: RT @MajoratNJ: With …
RT @MajoratNJ: With 97.74% of vote in, Toomey leads Sestak 50.8% to 49.2% or 64K votes.
Twitter: RT @denverpost: We …
RT @denverpost: We expect El Paso in about 10 minutes. RT @nurseconsulting: most of El Paso county hasn’t even been counted and they’re heavy GOP
Twitter: RT @PatrickRuffini: Looking …
RT @PatrickRuffini: Looking ominous for Ken Buck and Sharron Angle.
Election Day live-tweeting
All day long Tuesday, my tweets will appear, in real-time, in the window below. So will Becky‘s, Nate Silver‘s, Drudge_Siren‘s, and, just for fun, the Big Ben Clock‘s.
(You’ll need to initially hit “Click for Live Updates” to get things moving.)
To join in the conversation, tweet something @brendanloy, and/or with the hashtag #lrt10, and it’ll appear above. You can use the window below, if you like! [NOTE: After the first tweet, you will need to retype @brendanloy or #lrt10 for each subsequent tweet!]
FriendFeed: Be your name …
Twitter: #DEM #PANIC!!! THE …
Twitter: In Obama’s America, …
Twitter: I just a …
I just a meteor. This is clearly a sign! Of something! #GOPsweep? #DEMcomeback?
Twitter: Those people are …
Those people are SO not voting tomorrow. #demPANIC! RT @SG: This is San Francisco right now. http://yfrog.us/07yumiz