RT @thinkprogress: Tancredo Still Believes In Bombing Mecca And Medina http://thkpr.gs/a4rHeX
Twitter: .@KevinCurranX I think …
.@KevinCurranX I think #SECitsaWAR has surpassed #FireMikeBrey, although basketball season could change that. Also: #CHAOS, blaming Obama.
Twitter: RT @KevinCurranX: @brendanloy …
RT @KevinCurranX: @brendanloy Meme Power Rankings: 1. PANIC!!! 2. FIRE MIKE BREY. 3. THE SEC – IT’S A WAR!!! 4. THE DREAM IS COLLAPSING!! 5. FEAR! FIRE! FOES!
Twitter: RT @postpolitics: Blanche …
RT @postpolitics: Blanche Lincoln says she’ll win if turnout is high http://wapo.st/cLhoGk | Blanche Lincoln is high. #nochance
Twitter: One thing I …
Twitter: RT @politicalmath: @brendanloy …
RT @politicalmath: @brendanloy I was disappointed I couldn’t add “BWAHAHAHA!” to some of my predictions
Twitter: In my picks, …
In my picks, I’ve got GOP winning CO, WV & WA, but Ds holding Senate 51-49 thanks to NV & IL. #FRAUD! #ACORN! #iseedeadpeoplevoting! #PANIC!
Twitter: Remember, kids: TODAY …
Remember, kids: TODAY @ 6PM MDT is the deadline to enter my Election Prediction Contest! It’s free! It’s nerdy! Do it! http://bit.ly/lrtvote
A short question about Stuff
By Stuff, I mean literally, Stuff, “things”, TVs, books, coffee cups, blenders, sofas, golf clubs etc. etc. Stuff with a capital S.
What do the readers think about Stuff, how do you feel about it etc?
I know Stuff has gotten a bit politicized lately, and also trendy, and trendy in the negative, with hipster minimalism, etc.. But my question is more specific, how do you really feel about stuff these days?
For my part, I feel like I’ve got too much of it, but then I don’t know what I’d get rid of.
I ask the question because I’m starting to feel like both sides of the political debate on Stuff have it bang on. But then how can that be? We seem to live in some sort of zombifying consumerist culture–we work, we get marketed things, we buy them, and are exhausted working to pay for it. But we live in a world where more people have their basic needs meet than at anytime in the history of humanity. We in the west, even the poorest amongst us, live a lifestyle that kings of old would be impressed by. I mean we truly have it pretty damn good.
Does having what we need, by necessity, mean we have far more than we need? Or can we find our way back to the things that are actually important in life. Friends, Family, and time Not spent on a smart phone? Can we have our cake and eat it too?
Twitter: RT @ppppolls: We …
RT @ppppolls: We find Dino Rossi ahead 50-48 in the Washington Senate race: http://tinyurl.com/2dva89s