Search Results for: sports bubble

Elite 8 live-tweeting, Day 1

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Heeeere we go again. My tweets, and any comments thereon, will appear in the first window below. Tweets from everyone on my college basketball list will appear in the second window below. You can join the dialogue either by clicking “Make a comment” on the top window, or by tweeting something @brendanloy, or by emailing GOOO BUTLER!!! BEEEEAT KANSAS… Read more »

How to do NCAA expansion right: the 66-team At-Large Death Match Round

Continuing on with the discussion in my prior tweets and links and longer blog posts about the possibility of NCAA Tournament expansion, I want to expand on something I proposed in comments the other day. If the NCAA is absolutely dead set on expansion, there’s a right way to do it, and a wrong way. The wrong way is to… Read more »

Redrawing the Red Line

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[This post was originally published on The Living Room Tumblr.] “In the not-too-distant past, your conference was where you lived, but with all the illogical itinerancy that’s certainly not true anymore.” –Kyle Whelliston With those words in the Season 9 Epilogue – combined with his previously-stated, now-confirmed decision that “we’re doing away with the Red Line after this season, because… Read more »

Last Man Live

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You might recall Kyle Whelliston‘s ridiculous game of Super Bowl Knowledge Avoidance, “Last Man” (or #lastman), from 2011 and 2012. The object of the game is to go as long as possible without knowing who won the Super Bowl. The purpose of the game is… uh… well, for a certain breed of iconoclasts like Whelliston and some of his followers,… Read more »

Wake up the echoes

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Wow, it’s been more than two weeks since I blogged anything?!? Not counting my November 2008-June 2009 hiatus, that has to be a record dating back to 2002, no? Anyway, sorry, I’ve been really busy, and what free time I’ve had for the Interwebs has been going toward Twitter instead. But look! A pretty picture of Notre Dame Stadium at… Read more »

NIT & Women’s NCAA Pool update

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All right, here is where things now stand. In the Women’s NCAA Pool, after wins by UConn and Texas A&M, it’s down to a “Final Four” of Jenna (Auriemma) Stigliano, Andrew Long, Lisa Velte and Michael Watkins. Stigliano (daughter of Geno, UConn alum, and wife of my high-school classmate Todd) can wrap things up early if Texas A&M beats Stanford… Read more »

3 hours, 2 games, 2 states, 2 top ten teams: a most Excellent Adventure

Just over a month ago now, DU Bally and I set out on an Excellent Adventure, an odyssey of open-road travel and (barely) above-the-Red Line basketball that took us to two separate Mountain West games, involving two Top Ten teams, in two different states, in the space of less than 3 1/2 hours. It was the most awesome hoops-related thing… Read more »

The Jimmer Show

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He was epic, as per usual, last night against #4 San Diego State: Yeah, I think I need to go this guy in person. Remember when Becky and I almost impulsively drove from South Bend to Spokane to see Adam Morrison and the Zags? Well, this is sort of like that, except this time, I only have to drive to… Read more »

Brendan & Bally’s Excellent Above-the-Red-Line Adventure?

My original plan for last Saturday evening was not to go see Brian Clancy at the Irish Snug, but rather, to take my parents up to Fort Collins to see #9-ranked BYU, and its superstar Jimmer Fredette, play at Colorado State. Those plans fell through because, wanting to wait and see what the weather would be like for the drive… Read more »

A Brief History of BALLZ

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Alternative title: “In Which I Rename My BALLZ.” About that stuffed basketball pictured above, and in the new Pioneer Post Pulse masthead image… a bit of backstory is needed, for readers who aren’t familiar with Kyle Whelliston (primer here) and the official mascot of his Mid-Majority blog, Bally B. Basketball. Bally, you see, has been Kyle’s faithful companion on the… Read more »