Raiders’ Darren McFadden, former Arkansas QB, running all over Denver. 52-14, 3Q. Just proves Broncos can’t compete with the SEC. #itsaWAR
Twitter: RT @davidfolkenflik: She …
RT @davidfolkenflik: She writes that NPR “stands firmly behind that decision” but failed to adequately prepare the public explanation for it — or to warn staff.
Twitter: RT @davidfolkenflik: NPR …
RT @davidfolkenflik: NPR CEO Schiller sends out memo to staff Sunday night directly apologizing for handling of termination of Juan Wms contract. (more)
The Living Room Times Podcast, Ep. 4: There Is Always Hope
Is there a solution to the Higher Education Bubble? Do journalism graduates going into a dying industry have any chance of paying off six figures’ worth of student loan debt? Is there any escaping the Liberal Thought Police that ensnared Juan Williams, or the Conservative Outrage Machine that wants to defund NPR? Will the Democrats do better than expected in the midterms? Will the Loys avoid running out of Halloween candy for the second straight year? Will Brendan ever win a Three-Minute Spousal “Who Cares” Challenge? Can USC beat #1-ranked Oregon next Saturday? THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE!
SALTY LANGUAGE WARNING: The f-word is used around the 37-minute mark. I usually censor really bad words, but in this case the sequence at issue (which is kind of funny) would have been indecipherable if censored.
Anyway, as always, you can subscribe with iTunes here. Here’s the official episode page on Pod-O-Matic, and here’s the official podcast page, which gives you a range of subscription options. You can also directly download this episode as an MP3 file, if you like. And you can subscribe to this blog’s LRT Podcast category as an RSS feed, or subscribe to the official RSS feed of the podcast, again from Pod-O-Matic.
P.S. Here are Episode 1, Episode 2 and Episode 3. Stay tuned for Episode 5 next Monday night — our Special Election Eve Podcast, including the world premiere of “I Dreamed A Dream” as sung by Barack Obama (well, by me pretending to be Barack Obama). We’ll also hopefully be celebrating the fourth straight road loss by a #1-ranked team, this time by Oregon to USC.
P.P.S. If you’re wondering what on earth we’re talking about at the beginning of the closing song… Becky said “Beat the Bucks” instead of “Beat the Ducks.” Heh.
Twitter: How does Texas, …
How does Texas, whose 3 Ls include 2 completely horrible home losses to bad teams, get 2 votes in the coaches’ poll? #NotPayingAttention
Twitter: Loyette, listening to …
Twitter: RT @AP_Top25: Last …
RT @AP_Top25: Last 5 in poll: Hokies, Miami, MissSt, USC & Baylor. First 5 out: Nevada, Hawaii, Mich, Syracuse, WVa.
Twitter: RT @DufresneLATimes: It …
RT @DufresneLATimes: It really is a joke that Auburn jumped TCU at No. 3 after the Horned Frogs pounded AF and Auburn beat over inflated LSU.
Twitter: RT @murphsturph: Good …
RT @murphsturph: Good news for Boise State: Hawaii is No. 26, Nevada is No. 27 in AP, coaches polls. Both could be ranked when Broncos play them.
Twitter: RT @fivethirtyeight: Looks …
RT @fivethirtyeight: Looks clear that BCS 1/2 will be Oregon, Auburn in some order. Boise could fall below MSU, TCU. Mizzou prob #6, not enuff help from coaches.