FriendFeed: LRT CFB pick …

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LRT CFB pick ’em standings: AwesomeSauce 117, Old Gold & Black (@warbiany) 116, The Major’s Girl 114, Seawolves 113, @brendanloy 113, AMLTrojan 112, Jeff F. (@Bigfreezer) 111, Charles Fenwick (@clfenwi) 107, @brando_minich 105, ADRIAN CLAYBORN WILL EAT YOU (@kramtsew) 105 – Major’s Girl, AMLTrojan, Jeff F. won Week 7 (20-7).

CotW: What Are We Doing To Superman?

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So, as I may have mentioned once or twice, I am a bit of a comic book nerd. And, like many of my ilk, I have a special spot in my heart for Superman, even though I would never place him in my top ten favorite characters. I just love the idea of him; he’s someone who uses his power for the good because it is right and that is enough. Despite having the power to crack mountains, he is humble and more than a little shy. He might be an alien from another world, but he sees himself as being as human as can be. When stories get him right, get those elements right, the result is beautiful. He may not be my favorite, but there is not denying the power of a well told Superman story.

So, I want for the guy to do well. Apparently, Leigh Scott from Big Hollywood does too, according to this Superman movie related post. Which is great…I love to agree with people. Unfortunately, he kind of loses me when he asserts that the Hollywood liberal media is ruining his excitement by “sliming” the film.

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